At the beginning of last year, I looked at some analytics of my posts from 2013, and I shared that I had published 978 blog posts that year.
It’s important for me to know you – my readers, and know what will keep you sticking around for a bit. What articles, deals and recipes might inspire you to respond with a comment, share with your friends on Facebook, tweet about it, or Pin it?
Today I sat down to scroll through each month and see how many posts I published in 2014.
That’s 366 less than last year, and yet 2014 has seen my biggest growth yet in terms of readership.
These details may not mean much to you, but they mean something to me. Specifically, if I delve further into what it was that you were reading, my mind was blown. Only one “deal” post (#8) , and two frugal-themed posts (#3 and #9) made it in my top 10 most read posts.
Fun facts:
- Cheers to this Asian Coleslaw with Ramen Noodles recipe that I made for my daughter’s softball team picnic? It’s been pinned more than
12,00025,000 times (updated 08/15). For my little website, I’d consider that “viral”!
- Jeers to my #7 most viewed page of all year … my disclosure policy. Womp, womp … The fact it was 7th ranking at this time of publishing is seriously silly.
- My 3rd highest referrer (another blogger or website that shared one of my original posts) was Live Dan 330 (THANKS!!).
Considering I work by myself without editors, writers and contributors (you’d be surprised there’s very few of us that don’t hire work out), and that I wear a few other hats (like this one and this one), I enjoy the pace that I’m working.
My goal for 2015 is to create more content that you can use in your homes – printables, recipes, family travel tips and more!
But to close out 2014, I thought it would be fun to share with you my Top 10 Chaos Is Bliss posts from 2014!
Top 10 Chaos Is Bliss Posts:
10. Slow Cooker Italian Beef Sandwiches
8. Kohl’s Black Friday Deals 2014
6. Chocolate Chip Banana Muffins
5. Easy way to Core and Slice a Pineapple (with a video how-to)
3. Staycation: Frugal Fun in Indianapolis
… and the #1 most popular Chaos Is Bliss blog post for 2014 is (not a surprise as I mentioned it above) …
1. Asian Coleslaw with Ramen Noodles
So for 2015, I hope you’ll stick around a while, become engaged by sharing your thoughts in a comment, share my posts with your friends, and be inspired to spend less, do more, and love life!
Here are a few not mentioned above that are worth checking out:
The Asian Slaw sounds delicious, but so do those Italian Sandwiches. I’ll have to give them a go 🙂
Love the peek behind the curtain friend! 🙂 Thanks for sharing. I know I need to do more recipes.
I can totally see some budget-friendly, NO MEAT (!!!) recipes to tie into that fabulous new book of yours! ( for those that want to check out what Cherie’s so famous for these days!)