If you missed my money-saving tips this morning on Indianapolis’ B105.7, here’s the rundown!
- Here’s a freebie for your home … Hurry and print the $3 coupon for Glade Expressions Fragrance Mist Starter Kit. Take it to Target or Walmart where the product is priced at around $2.99, and get it for free! Before you leave Coupons.com make sure to enter the iPad-a-day Giveaway, you can enter once per day and it ends tomorrow!
- At Target this week you can stock up on Rose Art brand coloring supplies. When you buy a 12-count pack of colored pencils or a 10-ct pack of markers for just 49¢, you’ll get a 24 count pack of crayons for free.
- And one of my favorite stores for trendy clothes on a budget is H&M. The Castleton store will be re-opening after a makeover tomorrow, including a new children’s department! If you’re one of the first 100 shoppers in line tomorrow you’ll get an Access To Fashion gift pass valued between $10-$300! And you have 4 more ways to win, if you check out my friend Crystal’s blog, she’s giving away 4 H&M gift cards, so check that out!
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Find more Indiana deals and other ways to be “cent”sible.
Tune in this Friday morning for Friday Freebies on B105.7 during Sean Copeland’s morning show for more money-saving tips!
If you like these deals, you might like to subscribe by email or RSS for a daily recap. And be sure to follow me on Twitter and “Like” my Facebook page for extra tips that don’t make it to a blog post!
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