I’m starting a series of Timesaver Tips, because we (the collective “we”) are BUSY, are we not? That “Busy” word deserves a capital letter, or all caps, because it’s all I hear, ever.
I’m too busy to (volunteer / host a party / read for pleasure / take care of myself).
By offering you some timesaver tips that I’ve learned, or sharing what I’ve learned from others, I hope to help you relive even just a fraction of stress from your busy-ness.
So you’ll start seeing new posts in this series that will be quick reads, and hopefully have an “A-ha!” moment when it’s something you never thought of, or didn’t read about it in a 1976 Heloise Hints book.
Timesaver Tip: Shave Time off your Beauty Routine
This first Timesaver Tip I started doing in the last year. It did not require the use of my M.B.A. to come up with it, I didn’t pick up on it in Elle magaine, it’s just something I started doing that I think shaves – well, not minutes, but seconds – off my beauty routine.
Do you use several different makeup products? I do. I have not one, but three concealers: Beige, Ivory and Mint. Yes, mint, as in light green. Years ago when I was a Mary Kay consultant I found that their mint concealer (nla) countered my pinkish skin tone around my nose and chin. (Sidenote: Mary Kay consultants around the world reading this will cringe because they know how old my tube is by looking at it).
In addition to my three concealers, I have my eye cream, foundation, and day cream.
While it’s not tricky or especially time-consuming to twist off caps on beauty products, it’s sure mundane. And probably the most time-sucker is rifling through my makeup basket to find the next product to apply.
So I started doing this:
I twist off all the caps, and lay the products in order of how I apply them.
Seriously, it’s that quick; but it does something to my makeup routine – it speeds it up, even if just a few seconds, which would have been wasted on finding the next item in my overstuffed makeup basket. And there’s something about the caps already being removed – it’s almost as if the products have invisible checkboxes next to each of them – and I love to check things off lists.
Those of you who use a few products (with caps) in your morning beauty routine, I challenge you to give it a try for a few mornings, and come back and let me know if you found this Timesaver Tip helpful!
Be sure to subscribe so you get even more tips like this one, and pin this to your beauty or style board on Pinterest!
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Joan says
I tried this. What a blessing. It is a time saver and it keeps my morning flow going. It’s now my new routine. Thanks for sharing.
By the way, I love Mary Kay products – since 1995.
Ann-Marie says
Thank you so much for your sweet comment, Joan.