Photo credit: Janel Banz Photography
See this family? Those adorable, kooky kids belong to my sweet friend Jenny Mosier and her husband, Matt.
But you know what sucks?
Cancer sucks.
This particular friend has had the distinct displeasure of realizing this: Not once, not twice, but three times.
Three times the charm?
Not hardly.
About Jenny
I met Jenny through MOPS several years ago. This girl – how do I even begin to describe her heart, her passion for life and for God? I posted on her Caring Bridge page recently – after her recent journal letting us know the C word had returned again – that if anyone had any right to question her faith, it was Jenny.
Her first introduction was breast cancer in 2008. She was only 34, and had no family history. I won’t go into all her treatments, but it was out of her system.
After four years and four days of being cancer-free, it had returned in a single vertebrae in October of last year. More simple treatments than the first round, and it was gone.
Until earlier this month. Now it has returned in her spine, and possibly a lymph node.
But her faith is unwaivering.
Her friends, family and church will step in and help during her next round of treatments.
And we will pray.
What can you do?
Pray for this woman, this stranger to most of you. Pray for her husband that he has the strength and patience to support her, and care for their kids during Jenny’s treatments. Pray for her children, that they can try to keep as normal a life as any kid … whose mom is sick … again.
One more thing you can do?
Well, it’s a little “out there”, I realize.
Jenny’s car is 10 years old, and while it’s been reliable, as most cars that old go, it’s probably on its last wheel. To save money (and maybe also because he enjoys it), Matt has handled repairs on both Jenny’s 2004 Mazda and his 2005 Honda Civic (which Jenny describes as a ‘lemon’).
One of Jenny’s friends has nominated Jenny to the Ellen Degeneres Show to receive a car. Yep – Ellen’s giving out cars to people who need one. And Jenny needs one.
She needs a new car to take her back and forth to radiation treatments, to school where she is an instructional aid for students with special needs, and guess what? She’s a soccer mom. So yes, she needs a new car to take her kids to soccer, and the grocery store, and every other place a mom of 3 kids needs to go.
How you can help:
- Fill out this form to indicate that Jenny Mosier could use a new car. Where it requests a photo, use the one above (right-click on the photo, choose “save as” and save to your computer). Feel free to copy and paste this text to use on the form:
#EllenHelpJenny. I don’t know this woman, but I want to help Jenny Mosier in Indiana receive a car. She’s battling her 3rd round of cancer, she has 3 kids and a husband who all need her. And she needs to be able to drive to her treatments, to her job as an aid for special needs students, and all the other places a mom needs to go. And her old car just won’t get her there, much longer.
- Are you on Twitter? Tweet to @TheEllenShow : #EllenHelpJenny You may also upload the above photo to your tweet.
- Are you on Facebook? Visit the Ellen page and post to the page: #EllenHelpJenny
- And if you see others using the #EllenHelpJenny hashtag, please retweet, share, like, whatever you need to do.
We want to get Ellen’s attention, as Jenny is so deserving of a new car.
For more information, feel free to email me at ann-marie (at) chaosisbliss (dot) com.
Heather Baltz says
“I don’t know this woman, but I want to help Jenny Mosier in Indiana receive a car. She’s battling her 3rd round of cancer, she has 3 kids and a husband who all need her. And she needs to be able to drive to her treatments, to her job as an aid for special needs students, and all the other places a mom needs to go. And her old car just won’t get her there, much longer.”
Ann-Marie says
Heather, thank you so much for supporting this campaign! If you have a sec, would you please visit the Ellen page to leave the comment there instead of here? Or even on their Facebook page and include #EllenHelpJenny. Just realized I didn’t add the hashtag into that quote. Thank you again so much for helping!
Kelly says
I’m linking to this page to help you get the word out.